Tuesday is startup news day… here’s a round-up of stories relating to startups:
- StartupDay 2009 – found via this Seattle news/blog post, the event is a “conference for pre-entrepreneurs interested in founding or joining a tech startup“. It happens on Sept 26 in Seattle, Washington and is organized by Seattle 2.0.
- TechCrunch50 is today (and yesterday), and features presentations from 50 startups, plus 50 more in the pit. If you are thinking to present anywhere at a large pitch conference, this ReadWriteWeb post on TechCrunch50 will give you tips. And there have been previous TC50 events, and you can read how the previous demo-ers are doing. One presentation is embedded below – Insttant – and you can view more videos here.
- Also from TechCrunch50 is this startup funding-related post: TC50: Everyday Investors Can Help Startups “IPO” On The Sprowtt Marketplace
- Upcoming is the DEMO event next week, Sept. 21-23, with 70 products and prototypes showcased over 3 days.
- 10 Common Mistakes That Startup and Small Companies Make – FastCompany
- Fancy Doing a Startup? YCombinator Has a Business Plan for You – FastCompany
- The Promise of the ‘Lean Startup’ – BusinessWeek
- How a Tiny Startup Used Twitter to Find App Store Success – Business Week – discusses how taptaptap used Twitter to help it’s Convert iPhone app launch into being one of the top 30 paid apps within a week.
- Twitter And The Revenue Dilemma – Washington Post
- Top 10 rules for Web start-ups needing venture funding – a video posted last week from a live presentation. With a New Zealand bias, perhaps, the advice is useful for the rules around: Creating value, brilliant team building, mantra creation, get going, bootstrap, global know-how, fast adaptor advantage, everyone sells (marketing), change, and people trumping technology.
This is the first news-video-blog posts article – hope it was helpful to advance your business momentum, knowledge, & enthusiasm!
Hello, it really interesting, thanks.