Here are some tweeples on Twitter who tweet about startups. Follow at your own risk – we think they are currently some of the best out related to starting and growing your business.
The list was started before there were Twitter lists, and future versions will be put in places such as our twitter lists.
The criteria for the list was simple: a search for tweets containing “startup” was monitored over a period of time, and people whose posts were usually about entrepreneurship, startups, and related areas were included… *if* they didn’t auto-DM (direct message) or have too much content of questionable value (affiliate links, etc.).
This alphabetized list includes tweeters who are varied, from entrepreneurs, to advisors & strategists, and perhaps a bot or two. The listings should appeal to a range from the solo home business owner to the funded startup executive. Several pictures were included when formatting the post and time prevented including all.
@danmartell – Dan Martell of – Strategies for Fast Growth Entrepreneurs
- @DavidCrow – “Technology and Community Evangelist”
- @HomeBizStats – home and small business tweets
- @hovo – Digilite Web Solutions (Canada) – tweeting on entrepreneurial, tech/platform, ecommerce
@OfficeDivvy – many tweets related to small businesses
- @startupcrunch – startup, angel, venture capital tweets
@startupprincess – Kelly King Anderson of StartupPrincess
- @SVstartupjobs – tweets a mix of tech articles and job openings
- @thinkvaulter – “Infopreneur: all about how to find & use information to maximum, business-building advantage “
- @TiStartups – from down under (Australia) comes updates related to startups, some tech, funding, and TWiST.
- @Venture_Capital – (no name) – tweets news related to startups and venture capital
- @venturebin – “Web ventures & internet business report. Internet startups”
- @whuntpartners – updates related to startups, getting acquired, technology, entrepreneurship
Have another favorite who usually posts about startups & small business-related updates?
- Post it in the comments.