Startups With Big Dreams

Every so often on this site we will celebrate the big-dreaming entrepreneurs, those who have seemingly impossible dreams.   Without these people, there would be no inventions, no innovations, and no breakthroughs in human accomplishment.

You’ve heard the saying “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” (Robert H. Schuller), and for some people they appear to not worry about failure.  In many cases it is true – they were too busy, and they had confidence that their dreams were destined to materialize.focus

Many of us consume information in the area that we want to grow and develop in.  People who are pursuing their dreams are drawn to stories, resources, and other information sources that help them.

Much of the focus on this blog is on ventures platformed on the social web and companies who have online services and products.

And like many leaders of 21st century web startups, they are inspired by the crowd.

There go the people.  I must follow them for I am their leader. – Alexandre Ledru-Rollin

The dreams of the crowd can inspire individuals to act to make those dreams become real.  Perhaps those dreams are the biggest of all, as they are the dreams of many.

And in writing this post, it occured that the reverse is true – and is part of the business model of companies such as Genius Rocket: to take the dream of one and allow the crowd to help fulfill it. (Genius Rocket presented at our June 2009 event, and their community creates media for others in a crowd-sourcing type of way).

And the video for this post is Beyoncé‘s “Sweet Dreams (as opposed to The Eurythmics 1980’s hit “Sweet Dreams” [are made of these]):

The video is about 5 minutes long.

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